Wednesday, January 23, 2013

PET scan results/ Radiation

This is way late I am not a very good blogger:) Well good news my PET scan/CT was negative for cancer-yeah!!! My next scan, CT only will be in May and from then will be every 6 months, for 5 years.  So on to radiation. I had my pre radiation appointment. They fitted me for this mesh mask (its kinda scary) For my radiation appointments they lock this mask onto the bed. Reminds me of something off a horror movie. The reasoning is to get me into the right spot everytime. They also did some x-rays to get the exact spot where they will be radiating. Everyone there is very nice, even the patients. I have met some really nice people there. Its interesting to hear there stories and makes me feel very fortunant because it could be alot worst. Yesterday was my first radiation treatment. I was very nervous, but it turned out to be nothing. They locked me into my mask (this thing cracks me up) and the big light goes over to the area to be radiated, I see a beam of red light and then a loud beeping noise that its being delivered and thats it. Oh I forgot to mention I only have to get radiation on the left side where I had my surgery, was very excited about that. I get four different areas where they radiate so only takes about 2 minutes. I met with the nurse afterwards. She told me my radiation is so short (17 days) I should not have any problems. I got some cream so have been putting that on three times a day. The only side effect I could have is fatigue, whats new:). So far so good. I started going to the gym again, I sure did miss that. I am so glad this is almost coming to an end. Come on February 13, my last day of radiation:)  

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

after my third chemo update

Cant believe its been almost three weeks since my last chemo. This round was much better than the last one. I was down for a week and since then each day has gotten better. Now if I can gain my energy back that would be great:) It truely just wipes you. I did do zumba the other day actually 3/4 of it, so was very proud but then I laid around for the rest of the day- ridiculous! Finally able to eat normal food without it tasting aweful. You would think with everything tasting gross I would lose weight-oh no, dang that prednisone. What I am really excited about is water finally tastes good again. There is nothing worst than being so thirsty, craving water and it tastes metallic. Colton thankfully has adjusted to my hair being gone, as have I. Yes I do still miss it but am more adjusted to it. I was given a real human hair wig from a friend of the family. I had my hair lady color it how it was and it is shoulder length I love it. It makes me feel alot more comfortable than the other wig I have. Right now my hair is just peach fuzz. I am back to using Nioxin (I used it before chemo to thicken my hair and it so did the trick) taking prenatal vitamins and Biotin- grow hair grow:) I am very thankful my eye brows and eye lashes thinned just a little, but nothing a little makeup wont fix. So the next steps... I go for another PET scan tomorrow. That will determine if I get radiation on the side I had the lymph node removed or both. Basically if there is any residual my oncologist wants to do both sides. I got some special cream to help with burns. I feel very positive about radiation. I dont think anything could be worst than chemo. I am looking forward to getting the radiation behind me and getting back to normallcy. I feel like my life was put on hold for the last two months, it feels so good to know I am almost out of this bubble. This experience has definently taught me to not take life for granted and to enjoy it.