Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Radiology Appointment

I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Friday is my last chemo-very bitter sweet. Looking forward to what I am praying will be the last time I have to get chemo, but am dreading the weeks after especially right before Christmas. I can not wait for this to be behind me. This Monday I meet with my radiologist. I have to wait a month after my chemo so as of now scheduled for January 21. I go everyday for three and a half weeks. Its very quick just a little zap on the side the lymph node was removeded, in and out he said 15 minutes. Side effects mainly fatigue, he said nothing like my chemo has been, I will take it:) He said to since it will be localized on my throat could get a sore throat but there are meds to help.  Basically it sounds like a really bad sunburn so I got some special cream for it. Some stats he said the likeliness of lymphoma returning is 3 out of 10,000, for those who do chemo and radiation together, so that was great to hear. The other option would be to do six rounds of chemo, but the odds are better to do both radiation and chemo together. I am very thankful to only be doing three rounds of chemo. This last round has been alot harder then the first. I have been more tired and the nausea has been continuous, so very thankful for one more round.

Monday, December 10, 2012


I was hoping to dodge the bullet and stay out of the hospital but this weekend would not allow it.. Friday I noticed I was feeling a little different then the last few days. Just achey, sore throat and blah which is normal with chemo but it was different. So Saturday morning I woke up with chills, flank oain (sore lower back) and felt kind of warm so took my temperature and it was 100.2. In the world of chemo you have this list of when to call the MD, chills was on the list and fever of 100.5 so I called the doc. So got a hold of the on call doc and told her I thought maybe I had a bladder infection. She looked at my list of allergies and told me well I dont feel comfortable giving you something if its not in fact a bladder infection come on in and well do a urinalysis and complete blood count. So we drove down to Baylor. Its kind of neat they have a hospital just for cancer patients so went to there clinic. They came in started an IV with a 22 gauge (small needle) thank God:) (i am so used to those dang 18 gauge-huge needles) drew blood and got some urine. The MD ordered a chest x-ray to make sure my lungs looked clear and no sign of developing pneumonia (its common with having chemo) and of my kidneys. We hung out for a few hours and then got all my results. My urine was good, x-rays were good and then my complete blood count, my white blood cells (fight off infection) were 1.3 (very low) and within your white blood cells are neutrophils which are your main fighter cells, they want them above 1000 or you have no immunity mine was 300 and of course my plateletts and red blood cells were low. With chemo you RBC, plateletts and white blood cells usually plumet around day 7-10 after chemo so to be expected but with my netrophils so low I got a ticket to stay in the hospital. I had to stay in my room and if I left could have to wear a mask. I asked how long I would have to be there and they told me a few days to two weeks- oh my, was not happy when I heard that Coltons birthday was on Monday  I couldnt miss that and he was not allowed to come up and see me. It was an amusing once we got to my room. My husband, he definently knows how to make me laugh. He decided he should wear a mask and of course was trying to be funny with it. He loved how the bed had hydrolics and I told him it was to prevent bed sores so every time it went off he would say oh helping those bed sores. He found the bed side commode in the bathroom and  it was all over after that he thought he thought it was a walker and of course kept making comments about it after I told him what it was. What I would do with out him:) Anyways I am so thankful for him he always turns a not so good stiuation into something fun. I stayed the night and they drew labs in the morning and thank God they had come up so got to leave that morning. So thankfully a very short stay. They sent me home with a z-pack, my go to meds. Today I feel so much better just in time for my little guys birthday so I could not be happier.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Well it's been almost a week since my second chemo and I'm finally feeling more myself. This chemo is some wicked stuff. It's indescribable. The chemo infusion wasnt bad. Just a little iv and hanging out for five hours. Since i reacted last time they gave it slow and i had no problems. That night after my chemo was the same as last time. I have found sleeping on the couch on the recliner helps with the nausea. So poor Ryan joined me. We are very fortunate and have awesome parents to take care of Colton. I honestly can not imagine him here nor do I want him seeing me like this. The day after we went back down to Baylor for another nuelasta shot. This go around my nurse told me to take a Claritin before the shot to help with bone pain and it's definently done the trick. The hardest part really is the exhaustion. Getting up to get a glass of water wears ya out-ridiculous. You want so badly to get up and walk around but your body just does not want to. It's really nothing I have never experienced before. But good news I am finally starting to feel normal. Colton was not a fan of my hair being gone but he's finally coming around. I really do miss my hair that's been really hard. I have found I really like to wear chemo caps there comfy. Honestly I haven't been out since my chemo, except our nightly outing to look at Christmas lights, so really haven't worn my wig. I wore it a little before and it's just gonna be an adjustment. So next I go see the radiologist December 17 and get details on that. I am weirdly looking forward to getting my last chemo December 21, bummed it's right before Christmas but glad to put it behind me.