Results and Treatment Plan
Today was the big day! Had PET scan done this morning at 0730, Ryan and my parents came with me. Was not as bad as I thought it would be. They took me back to this room with a sign on the door that says "Beware Radioactive Material"- to myself I am thinking what am I getting myself into:) They had me drink this water with radioactive dye-yum:), started an IV and injected more dye. I sat in a cozy massage heated chair for an hour to let it absorb- don't be jealous:). Then they did the scan took about 20 minutes. So not bad.
I met with my oncologist right afterwards. I know I have said this before but my oncologist and his nurse are so wonderful. I am so thankful that angel, Nadene put them into my life. I am sad I never got to met her but will always remember her. He told us I had stage 2a. The scan showed the area which I had the lymph node removed and a small amount on the right side of my neck. He said not positive it is lyphoma on the right the only way to know is to biospy it but the chemo will take care of it so no need. Stage 2 is characterised by more than one involved lymph node above the diaphram. My treatment will be 3 rounds of CHOP-R every 21 days. Basically all the meds are given IV except prednisone (thats the P). R- it rituxan thats the chemo. The others are crazy names that bascially just kill the bad and good:( cells. He gave me some reading material so will have to look into those. I dont have to get a port-yeah! After my chemo I have to do some radiation. I will meet with that physician after my chemo. So all in all I am hoping this will be very quick. Before I start my oncologist told me to try another round of IVF. There is a good chance after all this I could be infertile. So will hopefully do that the end of October- with I am praying this time good results. If all goes well get this going beginning to mid Novemeber. Ready to get this going and put it behind us. Otherwise doing good. Still working will go out on leave once I start treatment. Again thanks for all the love and support!